Contacts & Information

If you would like more information about NAES, scroll down to find the office you would like to contact directly.

If you have questions or comments on latest news including press releases and events, please use the contact form and select "Press Inquiries" in the Message dropdown.

Corporate Office


1180 NW Maple Street, Suite 200
Issaquah, WA 98027
P (425) 961-4700
F (425) 961-4646

Operations & Maintenance and Support Services


1180 NW Maple Street, Suite 200
Issaquah, WA 98027
P (425) 961-4700
F (425) 961-4646

New York Office

335 Madison Ave
New York, NY 10017
P (212) 818-8226
F (212) 818-8597

New Jersey Office

1 Collins Drive Suite 100
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
P (877) 615-4721
F (856) 299-0693

Maintenance Services

West Coast Office

Power Maintenance Resources, Inc.
2130 NE Griffin Oaks Street, Suite 700
Hillsboro, OR 97124
P (503) 681-4664
F (503) 681-4823

East Coast Office

American Boiler & Chimney Co.
3401 Grand Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15225
P (412) 771-7828
F (412) 771-2832

Turbine Services

Field Services

7618 Bluff Point
Houston, TX 77086
P (832) 484-9400
F (832) 484-1197

Parts Repair & Refurbishment

Tristar Turbine Services
7618 Bluff Point
Houston, TX 77086
P (832) 484-9400
F (832) 484-9401

Staffing Services

Staffing Offices

3730 FM 1960 West, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77068
P (832) 249-1286
F (832) 249-9567

4100 International Plaza, Suite 620
Fort Worth, TX 76109
P (817) 346-4738
F (817) 346-7040

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